Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sick Baby

Our baby boy has been fighting sickness all week. This past weekend he started having a cough and stuffy nose. . . you could probably see that in the pictures I posted of Easter weekend. Each day, he just kept getting worse and by Wednesday, he looked so miserable and I felt so horrible for him that I took him into the doctor. He ended up having Bronchiolitis, which the doctor said is something babies get. They put him on medication and we have to use a nebulizer on him when needed. I wish Mommy's could make their babies just automatically feel ALLL better! I just felt so sorry for him. For being sick, he was such a tropper. He does so good when using the nebulizer too! I sit there with him making sure he doesn't grab at his mask while Gabe entertains with singing toys! It is quite a sight! Carson is such a big boy! He is doing MUCH better. . . still a bit of a cough and runny nose but so much better than a few days ago! I really think he is trying to pop a tooth as well! I will definitely keep you posted!
I never like posting without adding a picture. . . so here you all go!

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