Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big Boy Underwear!

No. .we are not there yet with being potty trained.  Carson will go potty if you take him and he does a great job at daycare going when they take him, but he still doesn't have the self control of realizing he has to go before he actually IS going.  We aren't pushing it, but we are constantly talking about it!
This weekend, he developed an AWFUL diaper rash.  I felt so bad for him and his poor bottom.  After bath time, I decided to put underwear on him for a while to give the rash some air.  He looked so stinkin' cute in them and so of course. . OUT came the camera!  Here are a few of him posing with his Toy Story undies! 
Love Him!


  1. What a big boy, and I love the pencil behind the ear. :)

    1. Julie. .he has to do 'work' like his Daddy! :)

  2. Buy a DVD called Potty Power. We did the same thing with our son...the not pushing but bringing it up a lot. It was slow going until someone gave me that DVD. It looks cheesy when it starts and I thought there was no way it would work but something in him snapped and he has been potty trained for about 3 months now with less than 10 accidents and that includes days, nights, and long car trips! Good luck!

    1. Wow! Thanks! I will have to look for this! :)

  3. He looks really cute in his big boy underwear. His dick looks even cuter. I dream about sucking it all the time.

    1. email me

    2. he must smell wonderful
      im a little boy butt sniffer

  4. one time i was ass riding a fat little boy and he came down too hard on my long dick and snapped it in half had to go to the doctor they fixed my dick (thank god!) so i could rub it on little butts once again
