Friday, May 17, 2013

Dena's Graduation Party

Last weekend we traveled home for Dena's graduation party!  It was a bit chilly on Saturday for the party, but we all survived and had a great time!  

I really can't believe she is graduating!  Gabe and I started dating when Dena was 6 years old.  . practically a baby still!  I have truly thought of her as a sister all of these years!  I remember carrying her around, giving her piggy back rides, doing her hair. . . when she was 6, 7, 8, . . .
Even today still being able to help her get ready, had the privilege of taking her senior pictures, doing her hair for prom--it has been so fun watching her grow from a little girl into a beautiful young woman!  
We love her to death and are SO very PROUD of who she has become!  We (Gabe) is also super proud that this fall she is going to become a Hawkeye!  

Dena and me before the party started!
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Me and my love!
Proud parents!

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