Friday, June 19, 2009

What the hail?!?!

Soo, in the words of Gabe. . . "What the hail?"  Let's roll back to about a week ago-- Gabe texts me a picture showing that we were getting quarter size hail--oh brother!  That will get you a little excited.  Well, roll ahead to this Wednesday-- Gabe and I were watching TV when our Directv started acting up and it started lightning and raining--down came pea size hail and oh boy.  We then turn on our radio just in time to here that there is a storm producing 60 mile an hour winds and golf ball size hail--headed straight for Adair!  Oh Great!  It was set to hit about 10:30 and this was at 10:20 that we heard it.  We were in the middle of playing a game of Yahtzee--since our TV was on the fritz at the moment.  We decided to head down to our basement, flashlight and a deck of cards in hand.  Sure enough, 10:30 rolls around and we thought our roof was going to cave in the hail was so loud. . . and big!  Just for the record, if Gabe wasn't there, I would have been bawling and freaking out!  I was doing a pretty good job of staying calm though while we were playing a game of War.  We then decide to look out our basement door to see how big the hail was. . . HOLY HAIL!  I have never been in a storm where the hail has been that big. . . so Gabe and I have this bright idea of him going to grab a piece so we can take a picture and send to people.   I know, dumb right!  He finds something to cover his head and while he is bending over to grab a piece of hail, one nails him right in the back leaving him with a welt. . tooo funny!  I had to take a picture of that too!  We are such bright individuals sometimes.  Anywho, when it was all said and done, he went out and grabbed a few more chunks. . shown below.  

Gabe's WELT!!! oops!

22 weeks pregnant!  And still feeling fabulous!  Baby Baughman is the size of a baby doll this week. . . or in "FOOD" terms, the size of a spaghetti squash!  You are probably asking yourself, what the heck is a spaghetti squash. . .I had no idea what the heck this was either so I'm putting a picture up so you all know what to compare Baby to.  

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