Monday, August 16, 2010

1st Hair Cut

So tonight I decided it was finally time to give Carson a hair cut!  It has been growing over his ears and it sticks out all the time. . it's pretty bad when I have to "tuck" it behind his ears! :)  So I got out my handy dandy hair scissors and outside we went with Daddy!  He was the entertainer while I cut away.  I just cut the sides and the back; the top of his head isn't that long.  Carson has such blonde hair you can barely tell he has any hair most of the time but he actually has a lot.  I think he has more hair now than I did at age 3!  Trying to get a before picture wasn't working so well so I am just going to post one of a few days ago.  He never sits still so the "after" picture is after his bath.  Carson did fantastic for his first big boy hair cut!! :)







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