Monday, December 13, 2010

Crazy Weather. . .Relaxing Weekend

So this weekend I had planned on spending Saturday with my mom. . SHOPPING!  I have no Christmas shopping done yet so had my list ready, coupons lined up and was ready to get it done!  Well, the weather didn't think that was such a good idea.  We then were going to head into Des Moines on Sunday and woke up realizing that probably wouldnt be a smart idea either. GRRR! 
I was really bummed our plans were interrupted but had a wonderful weekend trapped inside with just my boys!
Saturday Gabe and I decided it would be fun as a family to make roll out Christmas cookies.  I asked him if we always doubled the batch and he said yes we always do.  So he ran to the store to get a few ingredients we were short of and I started mixing up the dough.  I should have known we never made a double batch when the dough was almost pouring over my kitchen aid. . and when I had to add TEN cups of flour!  Anyway, I didn't think much about it until much later when I was counting them up and realized that we had just made over 11 dozen cookies! WHOOPS!
I packed them up and froze them. . will get them out next weekend to decorate when I have a little more help from Gabe's family! :) Anyway, I was excited for Carson to get to help this year! I even put an apron on him. . Gabe wasn't impressed but we both smiled over it! Later when it was time to roll the dough all Carson wanted was the rolling pin. Of course he did! Gabe and Carson took turns rolling out the dough while I lined the cookie sheets and baked them. By the end Carson was getting crabby and bored with the idea but he sure did the LOVE the end product! He has a sweet tooth just like his Mommy!

Helping with the cookie dough!  Do you just love the apron? :)
 Carson and Mommy with their aprons!
 Look at me roll my dough!
 Such a big boy!

 LOVING the final project. . .sorry. . totally forgot to get a picture of the final products!
 Playing trucks in the hallway with Daddy!

 Cleaning out our closet and finding random hats

 Watching Daddy snow blow the driveway

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