Tuesday, April 26, 2011

18 months!

I started writing this at 17 months, but just kept stalling and Carson is now over 18 months! So this is what Carson has accomplished/been up to the last few months! Enjoy!
Carson has a vocabulary that is unbelievable. He has a vocabulary of at least 70-100 words. Carson loves to repeat anything you say and is very understandable. He knows most animals and the sounds they make. When you ask him about colors—he usually tells you it is blue or red. Carson is putting together 2-3 word sentences or longer.

I must say Gabe’s name a lot because Carson will randomly start yelling “Gabe” if he is in the bath or in a different room than Gabe. Sometimes he will yell “Daddy, Daddy, Gabe, Gabe” It is quite amusing! :) Carson has also started saying in the mornings. . “Gabe, Get Up!” I also must say that too much on school days! :)

If you show Carson a picture of a baby and ask him what it is, he will say “Baby Jesus”

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?—knows this book by heart—can tell you the next animal in sequence if you are reading it to him.
Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? I see a red. . (and Carson will say 'bird') looking at me. He knows the entire book!

If you are looking for something and ask Carson, “Where did it go?” He will reply: “I don’t know?” “hiding”
Carson can now count to 3 all by himself! :)

Says “Please” and “Thank you”—Gabe has taught him to say the person’s name when asking so now he is saying. . “Please Daddy” or “Please Mommy”

Carson knows all of his Grandpa's and Grandma's and Aunts and Uncle's: Grandpa still comes out 'papa' and Grandma still comes out "mama' or 'meama'

Carson makes the cheesiest faces—he is constantly cracking us up!

Since about 16 months, he has been on an awesome bedtime routine. We will go into his room and say time for night night. We sit down, read a book. . or 2. . or 3. . .and then he will say ‘crib’ and we put him to bed. Carson is hilarious to listen to after you put him to bed. He entertains himself until he falls asleep by making noises or just chatting to himself. The other night we were reading this bible for boys that he had on his bookshelf. After I put him to bed and closed the door, I heard him in his room saying ‘baby jesus, baby jesus’ It was so cute! Goes to bed at 7:30-8:00 and sleeps anywhere from 6:00-7:30.

Naptime is great as well—he takes anywhere from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hour naps everyday—

Carson eats about everything—LOVES fruit and cheese! Still drinks out of a sippy cup most of the time. Daycare is working on drinking out of a big boy cup and he is doing pretty well with that.

Carson LOVES being outside either running or exploring or playing.

He has an obsession with household items—in particular. . spatulas! Carson calls them ‘scoops’. Daily, he has a few ‘scoops’ in his hand. He loves making pancakes (panpakes) and flipping them with his ‘scoop’

Carson just started to climb into his highchair all by himself—a major feat at 18 months in his eyes!

Carson LOVES riding on the lawnmower, golf cart, and tractor at Grandpa Ricks. He also has to see the boat every time we go back to my parents.

Carson is such a happy and loving toddler and still LOVES to give hugs and kisses! We get lots of them daily!  He also says Love You (uh you)

Loves being chased by his Daddy and having his Daddy pop out from random places!  It is entertaining for all!

Teeth: Carson has 6 teeth on top and 6 teeth on the bottom—total of 12 teeth.

Still has the bluest eyes and blonde hair.

Along the lines of throwing fits—Carson really doesn’t throw a lot of fits. The only reason he will cry is if you take something away from him –and the only reason we take stuff away from him is if he is being ornery and doing something he knows he isn’t supposed to be doing! This usually occurs at night when he is getting tired.
We are truly blessed to have such a happy and loving toddler! Our life couldn’t be more complete!
We love you Carson!

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